Invite your friends to read The Archimedean Point and receive an Ebook!
Dear subscriber,
Thank you for reading The Archimedean Point. As you receive this email, the blog is celebrating its two years of existence. This gives me the opportunity to encourage you to invite friends and colleagues to subscribe. To thank you for your help in growing the community of The Archimedean Point, I have prepared a booklet titled Making Sense of the World (In All Modesty). This booklet compiles some of the most relevant, original, or simply popular posts I have written here. It also has an introduction that tells things about me, what motivates me to write TAP, and the overarching rationale behind the posts. All this, put in an attractive, easy-to-read format. Here is how it works:
1. Share The Archimedean Point . When you use the referral link below, or the “Share” button on any post, you'll get credit for any new subscribers. Simply send the link in a text, email, or share it on social media with friends.
2. Receive Making Sense of the World. Once 3 friends have subscribed to TAP by following the link you sent to them, you will receive a thank you email with a link to download the booklet.
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