Last week, a Jewish girl in France was gang-raped by a group of Moroccans. This is just the latest in a long list of similar acts committed against French Jews by 'French' Muslims. Absolutely everyone knows by now that the only way to stop this is through the FN. The LFI barely even bother to pretend they do not support these attacks, and everyone knows they will now become more frequent. Tens of thousands of Jews will now flee the country. Whatever we can say about that, we can't say that the French didn't make this decision with their eyes open.

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There's nothing populist about the idea that a united minority deserves to prevail over a divided majority. Runoff systems, including instant runoff as in Australia, are actually more consistent with my understanding of majoritarian populism. These systems normally ensure that the party or coalition preferred by the majority wins, and amplify the number of seats gained by the majority relative to proportional representation.

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