Sitemap - 2022 - The Archimedean Point

Christmas and the Ontology of Rule-Following

Is Longtermism Self-Defeating?

Moral Mathematics and the (Consequentialist) Ethics of Watching the World Cup of Football

Parfit, Esoteric Morality, and Consequentialism

Esoteric Morality Versus Public Reason: The Case of Risk-Taking

The End of History (of Ideas)? And Why Philosophy & Economics is not History of Economics

What Does Being a Post-Rawlsian Mean? The Same as Being a Post-Walrasian!

On the Relevance of the Concept of “Populism”

What Prices are Made For?

The Future Matters. But How Much?

The Cheating Equilibrium

The Economics and Ethics of Substituting AI for Human Creators

Authoritarianism and Knowledge: Lessons from the Vienna Circle

Liberalism and Complexity: On Gerald Gaus’s "The Open Society & Its Complexities"

Against Scientific Prizes

Uber and "The Choice"

What Is It to Be a Leader? And Why Do We Need One in the First Place?

The Power of Subgame Perfection, French Politics Edition

The Commensuration of Incommensurables

Social Norms and the Revelation Principle

Two Kinds of Justifications, or Why Desert is not Really an Important Issue

On the Paternalism/Epistocracy Analogy Again, and Why Rawls Could Have Accepted Plural Voting

Should the Numbers Count?

The Ethics and Economics of Academic Publishing

If You’re a Paternalist, Why Aren’t You an Epistocrat Then?

From Bargaining Game to The Archimedean Point

Rawls’s Difference Principle, Neighborhood, and Rigid Designators

Voters are Irrationally Irrational. Or Why We Should not Worry about Gibbard-Satterthwaite

A Rawlsian Account of Populism?

What is the Difference, if any, Between Epistocracy and Technocracy?

An Interactive Toxin Puzzle

Freedom and Externalities

On the Complexity of a Legitimate Social Choice

The Case for the Q&A Format for Research Seminar

On the Rationality of Autocrats

The Epistemic Liberal Order and its Enemies